Monday, September 19, 2005

Financial software

Front office - user requirements, sensitivity
Mid office - maneger expectations, scalability, open api
Back office - audit reports, reconciliation, compliance, taxes etc

Please set out the main reason why you think
the nominee deserves the honour.

We are looking for outstanding and innovative

service to others, which may be paid or unpaid,
but especially selfless service to a voluntary body
or to the community, or which brings distinction
and quality to the society. It is important that you
give as much detail as possible about what your
nominee has achieved which makes them stand
out against others, and make it clear if the
achievement is in one area or in a number
of different areas.

Please provide full details of your nominee, paid or
voluntary, which support and are relevant to your
nomination. Please give start and end dates (if known),
or whether the person is still involved in this area of activity.